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The Taste of America Spring Series – A Fresh Spin On A Crowd Favorite


The Taste of America Spring Series – A Fresh Spin On A Crowd Favorite

Good news for competitors who have yet to qualify into WFC2022! Taste of America will be returning for a seventh year as the largest online recipe qualifier in the WFC network. And, this year even more Golden Tickets will be up for grabs thanks to Food Sport sponsors who will be featured in a series of stand-alone contests. 

Though many of the rules for Taste of America will remain the same, competitors can expect some changes. (Click here for an official overview of the Series’ rules). Most notably, the recipe submission duration for each sponsored contest will be shortened. This year, competitors will only have seven days from when a sponsored contest opens to submit their recipes and photos. The good news is that competitors will have multiple opportunities to enter different Taste of America contests throughout the year leading up to the Main Event in Dallas. A new contest will be announced every other Friday, with Facebook Live results being announced on alternate Mondays.

Another difference in the Taste of America Series is that competitors will only have to focus on one sponsored ingredient per contest rather than incorporating multiple sponsored ingredients. Sponsored contests and ingredient requirements will be announced before the submission open date for each contest. 

The number of Golden Tickets awarded will vary per contest. Winners will be allowed to choose the category in which they wish to compete at WFC’s 10th Anniversary event in Dallas, Texas (assuming that category is still open). And for those competitors who want to win even more, there will be options to post dish photos on Instagram for additional prizes. 

The Taste of America Spring Series kicks off on March 1st with one of WFC’s most loyal and respected brands – Red Gold Tomatoes. Specific details for the Red Gold Tomatoes’ Taste of America Contest will be announced on February 25th. 

Other sponsored contests in the Taste of America Spring Series will follow shortly thereafter.

As in previous years, recipe submissions will be scored using WFC’s E.A.T.™ Methodology by a panel of hand-picked, veteran judges. While judges will not be tasting the entry dishes, they will be able to score a dish on perceived taste after studying the recipe and submitted description. WFC recommends describing prominent flavors and accents in the recipe description to help with establishing perceived taste scores.

To stay up-to-date as new contests are added in the Taste of America Series as well as all things Food Sport, follow the World Food Championships on Twitter (@WorldFoodChamp), Facebook and Instagram (@WorldFoodChampionships).

About World Food Championships:

The World Food Championships (WFC) is the highest stakes food competition in the world. This multi-day, live event culinary competition showcases some of the world's best cooks who compete for food, fame and fortune in 10 categories (Bacon, Barbecue, Burger, Dessert, Rice/Noodles, Sandwich, Seafood, Soup, Steak and Vegetarian). In 2021, more than 300 culinary teams from 5 countries and 40 American states competed in WFC’s Main Event. The Champions of each category will now face their next challenge called The Final Table, which will be held at South Carolina's Lake Murray Country in late April (Click here to request an invitation to the event). While contestants have to earn their way into WFC by winning a Golden Ticket at a previous competition, potential judges are welcome to take WFC’s online certification course that explains the E.A.T. methodology. Certified judges then request and receive available seats at the next scheduled WFC event. Click here to learn more about getting certified. 

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